
I would like to ask, can u withstand yr bf beat yr face four times? can u withstand yr bf leave u when u sick and after he beat u? And His reason is go to pick up three gals and bring them to GREAT OCEAN ROAD? A PLACE THAT NEED TO DRIVE FOR NOT LESS THAN 10 HOURS~~~~!!!?!?!?!?Can u withstand yr bf promise u to back ard 6;00pm and stay with u but after he went out, no phone call, just send u two sms and u wait him till 00:30? What the fuck are the guy doing? Guys will feel happy when they hurt their gf heart? Even the gf cut her hand and do sth stupid, they also like that ma? Why ppls can like that?Are all ppls in the world are liar? I just feel hopeless as I am not tough enough, I am not tough enough to face the things. I have done sth wrong but I dun think I am as bloodless as him. I sick he goes away; i dial to him he blames me; he does not have money i give him; what the hell are u doing? alan? cox of three unknown gals, leave yr gf alone, leave her go home by herself and even lose the way, no regret? no sry? in his fuckig mind, only can see himself now. This is not the one i know.
Just want to say, love is sth like a bubble. Specifically, it is very beautiful, but when u try to touch it, it will break. Love is very intangible, u dunno when it is here and when it is not. U dunno what happen in the next minute. Love is a game, but if u do not brave enough to try it, DUN TOUCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dun give other a chance to hurt u~Especially for gal.

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