
really I shouldn't fall in love with him. That means I shouldn't love him. We are impossible. ~_~
But I do very love him. He's working at night from 9pm to 5am. Of COurse I know which buses are driving by him.
SO at the curtain time. I will come out by taking his bus, and I will come home by taking his bus,
But remember, he's driving at night
so If I really did that, I won't have enough sleep every night
But I did anyways. He's working from Tue to Sat, SO in these five days I went out every nights. And sometime I didn't get enough sleep, then I go to school late. At these time, my mom was in HK. so she didn't know that I was doing that.
SO sometime, I went home at 4am, 2am 12am or 10am.
So sometime I really didn't get enough sleep at all. Just only I go out and see him.
after my mom is back
and he changed his driving line
then I never seen him again
and I never been out so later again
because he's not here anymore
I don't know where he's at now
But I do still love him

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