
The old guy~~~ Why I say he's a old guy?? I think you should know why.
It's just because I love the one who I am not suppose to fall in love with him.
Wait a minute. We didn't been together, Just I love him and he doesn't love me.
OK. Let me tell you how old is Mike.
I think I tell you at the end of the story ^_^
He is a bus driver and he's a nice guy that I never seen in my life. He helps everyone to get on his bus. He's a good driver. I can tell. But he's older than me. But he's single. But that doesn't work. because he doesn't like me back.

Mike is 26 years older than me
then I think you know how old is he.
If you still don't know
then go and ask me OK??
thx for reading

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