
Who is the actual final victim?
The one who being left alone?
The one who being attacked?

"Love cannot be contralled by anyone."
This is the truth, as belived everyone should know.
This is impossible in forcing to keep a passing love or mind.
What can we do besides entreating stay?
Certain irrational people may choose 'ATTACK!'.
Attack, in order to make someone you love as sad as you.
Attack, in order to make someone you love as grieved as you.
Attack, in order to make someone you love be pained.
Attack, in order to make someone you love be hurt.
Attack, in order to make you satisfied?
Attack, in order to make you happy?
Attack, in order to make you leave from painful?
Unfortunately, the doubtless truth is... attack, in order to make the one you love hate you, in order to make the only remaining relationship broken, in order to make you fall into a deeper and deeper abyss and painful.

Self-emotion can be contraled by ownself.
Self-action can be contraled by ownself.
Self-thinking can be contraled by ownself.
To be happy, to be sad, can be choosed.

People in sorrow, they may bestir again or destroy themselves by their own.
People be attacked, the future even all they got may be killed by others.

Who is the actual final victim?


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