you wanna tell us you play soccer
everyone knows you're just a sucker
it doesn't matter who your dad is
you're only one dumbass!
in the morning, you said '*b*uck you'
"honest merchant" tonight will *b*uck you
I wonder "goat shit" really likes you
or he just wants your mom?

Oh! You think "pepsi" is so sexy?
HAHA! You crashed your Ferrari
Too bad! That "goat shit" is your boss
I C A C.....pissed you off, give me five!

Your name's Jailed Butterfly
Kick your ass off to the sky
"gay old guy" is your dad
"damn ball nine" is your mom
paying debt to "goat ass" but seems like no way now
Imprisoned Butterfly
cut your wings you drop to die
"one egg chen" is your friend
"driver shing" took your bread
paying debt for your dad and there's still one hope left.....
you got a poor sister.....

repeat ##### (sorry, nothing's new on that)

I bet you a million dollars "horny Tea" loves your daddy
And soon you'll be sentenced to jail
'like I was.....'<--("honest merchant")
'hey you shit don't try to touch my mom!'<--("lick" to "honest merchant")
'nono I just wanna have your sis'<--("honest merchant" to "lick")

repeat +++++

其他文章共 24 篇

短篇故事:2篇, 長篇小說:9篇, 隨筆:1篇, 歌曲:12篇

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