
It's logical......

World Cup Logic

Brazil last won the world cup in 1994.
Before that they won it in 1970.
Add 1970 and 1994, it equals 3964.

Argentina last won the world cup in 1986.
Before that they won it in 1978.
Add 1978 and 1986, it equals 3964.

Germany last won in 1990.
Before that they won in 1974.
Add 1990 and 1974, it equals 3964.

So going by this logic, the winner of the 2002
world cup
is the same as the 3964 - 2002 = 1962 world cup.
The 1962 world cup was won by Brazil.

Chinese fans have reason to rejoice :
China has never won the world cup so you'll
probably win it in the year 3964.


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