
Harry live in the Dursley' house.He was very happy that his friend Ron, hermione and Hagird sent him many presests.Ron and his family sent him
a bag of useful things:a book that tells you how to use the broom well,a bottle of cookies and Fred and Geoge give him something that made by themselves-a broom that will
throw you onto the floor when you sit on it!Hermione gave him a book that have 1058 pages but how to use it or how to read it because this book has no words in it.Hagird also give him a bottle of honey and a letter"hello!harry,how do you do?
I'm fine.Do you like the presest that I give you ?I can't think of any others thing to give you.Sorry!
Have a nice holiday! hagird""Nice?"
harry thaught"It won't be a nice holiday if I live here!"But he still write to hagird"Thank you for your present.I like them very much!I am having a nice holiday!I wish you is having a wonderful holiday,too!harry"Of course he was very happy,but one thing he was worry aboutis that Sirius has not sent anything to him for two months.
"Is there a problem,Sirius?I miss you very much!Please send back to me.best wishes,Harry"but he still wrote down his seventh letters and put on hedwig's leg.Hedwig flew away
and bring harry's letter to Sirius.


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