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Carry on till tomorrow


In younger days I told myself
My life would be my own
And I'd leave the place where sunshine never shone

For my life's too short for waiting
When I see the rising sun
Then I know again
That I must carry on

Carry on till tomorrow
There's no reason to look back
Carry on, Carry on, Carry on...

Beyond the shadows of the clouds
and onward to the sky
Carry on till I find the rainbow's end

For my life's too short for waiting
When I see the rising sun
Then I know again
That I must carry on

Carry on till tomorrow
There's no reason to look back
Carry on, Carry on, Carry on...

Drifting on the wings of freedom
Leave this stormy day
And we'll ride to tomorrow's golden field

For my life's too short for waiting
When I see the rising sun
Then I know again
That I must carry on

Carry on, Carry on, Carry on...

And when the heavy journey's done
I'll rest my weary head
For the world and all its colors will be mine

For my life's too short for waiting
When I see the rising sun
Then I know again
That I must carry on

Carry on till tomorrow
There's no reason to look back
Carry on..Carry on ..Carry on ...


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