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In these days,I've done something that i'm not suppose to do.
I've loved someone that I'm not suppose to love.
I've been waited for an impossible chance.
I've wasted the time that I'm not use to waste.
Thinking of something that I hate to think.
Go somewhere that I couldn't go.
I don't know what do i want. I just know what I don't want.
I don't want to be too serious, but I also seems to be care about it.
I don't want to know the things that I don't want to know.
In fact, I'm not suppose to see him anymore.
Not suppose to love.
Not suppose to hurt.
Not suppose to happen.
Not suppose to start.
Not suppose to be end.
I know that i can't call him anymore, but I really want to know that will he be upsad because of me?
Everytime when i was alone, I may think...actually what do I want? Recently I always wanna be alone,only myself!
Whatever I go,like eating,drinking,carzy for pressing the remote
control,listening to the music,leaving,get into a car,going home.Especially when I was happy or sad.
The goods for alone is-I don't have to take any responsibility. I don't have any troubles or concerns.24 hours are competely for myself.
One person's picture,I will think of two people's picture.
Anyway,am I suppose to be alone?
Or two people will be better?
One person will be happy?
Or two people will be happier?
Actually...am I suppose to love someone?

其他文章共 23 篇

短篇故事:2篇, 隨筆:10篇, 詩:1篇, 詞:5篇, 公開書信:2篇, 私人情信:3篇

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    如果愛.... (02年4月)
    Never ever..... (02年3月)
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    I love you! (02年2月)
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    27/01/2002 (02年2月)
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    我敢去愛! (01年12月)
    Life~ (01年12月)
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