
Hello my dear friends, cousins, brothers and sisters

Lately I was reading a very good book called "The Secret of Loving" written by Josh McDowell. I read it again and again; it helps me to grow in my Spiritual life. I really wish that I can share the whole book with you all ;-) and here I want to share the topic of "Forgiveness" which is always happen in our daily life.

I wish this will help you too ^_*


We are living in a culture overrun with stored-up grudges, resentment, bitterness and broken hearts. Left uncomforted and unresolved these same problems affect the unity of the body of Christ, tear apart relationships, dull the cutting edge of the Holy Spirit in the lives of individuals and divide everything from families to university movements. We need forgiveness!

The oil of relationship Forgiveness is the oil of relationship. It reduces the friction and allows people to come closer to one another.

An unforgiving person is incapable of developing deep, lasting and intimate relationships.

Forgiveness is like a lens your views and practices regarding forgiveness largely determine how you deal with conflict. Ask yourself:

1) Do I see in each situation requiring forgiveness an opportunity to strengthen the relationship and to develop my own character?

2) Do I look to the needs of the one who has hurt me and try to understand him or her?

3) Do I realize that God will deal fairly with my offender if punishment is needed - that vengeance and retribution are not my responsibility?

4) Do I choose to thank God for each experience and allow His love and grace to grow in me as a result?

Relationship and marriages rarely break up over one single disagreement. Any explosion that erupts is usually only the latest in an accumulation of unforgiven and unreconciled conflicts.

Dr. Tim LaHaye writes:

Who of us is not subject to bad moods, ill temper, a negative spirit and a critical attitude? Admittedly these things should not exist in a Christian marriage, but they do. There is no married couple who, in the daily life of marriage does not have a host of "complaints". Yet we see many such couples enjoying love, harmony and peace in their relationship. Invariably, their secret is forgiveness.

Bible doesn't mince words when it comes to forgiveness. We are commanded to forgive. Jesus tells us that when we are praying we are to forgive anything we have against anyone (Mark 11:25) Right after the Lord's Prayer He says, "For if you forgive men for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, then our Father will not forgive your transgressions." (Matthew 6: 14-15).


Forgiveness, we can simply say it but to apply in our daily life.... take times and definitely need the help from God.

You might think this topic mostly apply for the marriage couples BUT after I read it, NO, this apply for everyone no matter you are single or married.

Tomorrow continue Part II -- What is Forgiveness?


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