
August the 14th, 1996. J and his famaily arrivied at the Heathrow Airport in London, England. They walked out of the check point, collected their luggage and walked out at the arrival point. They were looking for someone to pick them up and Cliff, J's brother have spotted his Uncle and Aunties. 'Right, everyone's here yeah? Good, lets good home.' The person speaking was J's Uncle named Tony. He had been living in England for over 20 years. He owned his own chinese resturant. He was a very successful person in J's eyes.
J and his famaily arrived at their new house after an hour car journey from the airport. It was a very big and nice house. J cannot wait to go inside and feel what was it like. They firstly choose which room they want and then started to unpack their stuff. Soon after, J and his brother had been called downstairs to talked to their parents over the telephone. They couldn't stop their tears coming out from their eyes. They could also hear their parents were doing the same as well. After the phone call. Everyone sat down in the kitchen and began to discuse which school should the children go to. J have been put in a primary school because his cousin had been there all the time. But the main point was down to Cliff. His GCSEs results were not good at all. But that's not his faults. He was a very hard working person, it was just bad luck. But that led to a very disappointing answer from the school Cliff had applyed for. They have told us that they don't want Cliff simply because he is not up to their standard.
The next two weeks. Cliff was very busy looking for another school. Finally, he had found a school called the St. John Lewis. The headteacher was a very nice women. She gave Cliff a chance to study in the school. But Cliff had to pass the tested first 6 weeks to be a permanent student. ...(TO BE CONTINUED)
Elaine唔再信人 : Your English so good ar~I don't understand all.It is because my Eng not too good....so sorry.... but I try to read it^^
於 03年5月 回應

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