An empty street,An empty house,
I hold inside my heart,I'm all along,the rooms are getting
I wonder how,I wonder why?I wonder where they are?The Days we had,the songs we sang together.
And all my love,I'm holding on Forever,reaching for a love that
seems so far.......
*So I say a little prayer,and hope my dreams will take me there.Where the skys are Blue,to see
you once again,my love.
Overseas from coast to coast,to find the place I love the most,Where the fields are Green,to see you once again* my love.
I try to read,I go to work,
I'm laughing with my Friends.But
I can't stop,to keep my mind of thinkink.
I wonder how,I wonder why,
I wonder where they are?the Days we have, the songs we sang together.
And all my love,I'm holding on
Forever,reaching for a love that seems so far........
Say a little prayer,hopemy Dreams'll take me there,where the skys are Blue,see you once again,my
Overseas from coast to coast,
to find the place I love the most.
where the fields are Green,I'll see you once again,my love.


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