Though we gotta say goodbye,for the summer
Darling,I promise u this,I'll send u all my love
Everyday in a letter sealed with a kiss
Guess it's gonna be a cold, lonely summer
But i feel the emptiness
I'll send u all my dreams
Everyday in a letter sealed with a kiss
I'll see u in the sunlight
I'll hear your voice everywhere
I'll run to tenderly hold u
But darling, u won't be there
I don't want to say goodbye for the summer
Knowing the love we'll miss
Or let us make a pledge to meet in september
And selaed with a kiss


其他文章共 14 篇

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最新公開文章 :     最後一次說愛你 (08年7月)
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    晴天雨傘 (02年10月)
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    will u still luv me tomor (02年9月)
    一封永遠寄唔出既信 (02年8月)
    傷痕 (02年6月)
    一段故事 (02年6月)
    雨夜 (02年5月)
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    sealed with a kiss~~ (01年2月)

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