after chasing several stocks in hk stock maket, i can smell the money in my hand, uh, what a good feeling, what a good day, for many of the investors who live in this world, both in hk and usa. but most importantly, i must thank you god, and mr. allan greenspan, you guys are amazing, no fabulous, you make this world so wonderful, and our life easier. thank you.
btw, got to get up earlier tomorrow. it'll be something happen in the nyse and nasdaq, watch out! probably there will some sold tomorrow, still the econ. is slowing down. the rate cutting just something that effects us psycologicly, it still needs time to see the real effort. i think it'll be in about 6 months. and it's unusual to see the fed rate has been cut about 1/2 points. probably mr. greenspan thought he needed to do something that could really boots up the maket, otherwise, there'll be no soft landed. the rest the week will be a little unscure, and most of the big corparations will have their first quarter report coming out in the next few weeks, so expect the next waves coming in.
at last, please, please i am here to pray you again, load, be with me, and bless me in this new year. i pray in the name of jesus christ. amen.


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