Chapter 6

“Benjamin, Benjamin!” Francis cried out loud.
“You have come back to 2050 already.” The scientist next to her told her.
“Really?” Francis didn’t believe it.
“You can go now but you cannot tell anyone about you have gone back to 2000.” The scientist told her.
“I won’t tell anyone.” Francis promised.
“Then we now send you to the hospital and tell your family that you had a car accident.” The scientist told her.
“OK.” Francis said. She could not forget Benjamin and she wanted to asked her mother about him.

“Are you all right, Francis?” Francis’ mother, Carol asked her when she knew about her.
“I’m OK, mum.” Said Francis.
“Mummy!” Francis’ son Kimmy went in.
“Mummy missed you very much!” Francis told him.
“Daddy is waiting outside, I call him to come in.” Kimmy said as he went out.
“Mummy, I missed you.” Francis hugged her mother.
“I missed you too, Francis!” Said Carol.
Francis’ husband, Simon came in.
“I missed you, Francis!” Simon told her, “I have asked the nurse already, you can leave the hospital at anytime.”
“ I want to go home now.” Francis said.

At home, Francis told Simon, “I want to terminate the marriage, I found that I don’t love you anymore.”
“Is there nothing that I can do?” Simon asked.
“If you want to do something, you should do it before I have the decision.” Francis said.
“OK, I respect you, but what about Kimmy?” Simon asked.
“I stay with mummy.” Kimmy was listening through the whole conversation.
“OK, then I would send you money very month for your spending on Kimmy.” Simon said.

A week later, Francis went to visit her mother.
“Mummy, I want to know more about your childhood.” Francis wanted to know about Benjamin from her mother.
“You have grown up, it’s time for me to tell you the truth.” Carol told Francis.
“My mother died when I was a little girl. I was brought up by a rich couple. The aunt was called Francis, that I called you this name after her, and uncle was called Benjamin. They were both kind to me. However, one day, the aunt has disappeared and uncle was very depressed. I asked him why but he never told me, but he looked me as his own daughter. He didn’t marry again and I know that he loved aunt very much. Later, when I was 15, uncle died with depressed. I inherited his bequest. At first, I didn’t want the money, but uncle didn’t have any children so I keep the money, I never use the money because I am not uncle’s daughter.”
“Where’s uncle’s grave now?” Francis wanted to cry but she knew that she could not do that, “I want to thank him.”
“The grave is still in the garden of his house, and I go there frequently.” Said Carol.
“Then you should take me there next time.” Francis said as she went out.

Francis didn’t wait until the next time when her mother go to visit Benjamin. She went there just after she knew where he was.
Francis saw the grave in Benjamin’s house’s garden. She immediately ran to the grave and cried before it.
“Benjamin! Why you go so quickly? You told me that you would wait until I appear again, why didn’t you wait me?” Francis could not believe that Benjamin died already.
Suddenly, it rained. Francis didn’t care about that. She just sat in front of the grave and cried......

---THE END---

其他文章共 30 篇

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