Chapter 3

“Hello?” Asked Benjamin when Francis woke up again.
Francis looked at the calendar again. It was still 2000. That’s mean she had gone to another world. Her dreamed was succeeded. However, she didn’t want that.
“Is this year 2000?” Francis asked Benjamin, she wanted he answered “no”, but......
“Yes, why do you ask me this question?” Said Benjamin.
“I think I should tell you about what had happened to me so far.” Said Francis. Then she told Benjamin about herself. She told him that she came from 2050, after the car accident, she came to 2000. Benjamin was surprised about it. He didn’t saw a car on the road. He also didn’t know if Francis was telling lies. However, Benjamin didn’t know Francis, so there’s no reason that Francis told him lies. Both of them didn’t know what had happened. Maybe Francis would stay in 2000 during her whole life.
“Another question is, what is your name?” Benjamin still didn’t know Francis’ name after the long talk.
“Oh, I’m sorry, my name is Francis.” Said Francis.
“Nice to meet you, Francis.”
“Nice to meet you, too, Benjamin.”
I think that you are tired as so many things happened on you today. I don’t disturb you, see you tomorrow, Have a nice sleep, goodnight!” Benjamin knew that Francis was very tired already, so he didn’t want to bother her.
“Goodnight, Benjamin.” Said Francis.
Although Francis was tired, she didn’t have a good sleep. She wanted to find the answer why she had come to 2000. However she didn’t manage anything to solve the problems. She didn’t want to stay in 2000 for her whole life. She wanted to go home. Although she didn’t like her mother and husband, she hated 2000. She thought that 2000’s people were stupid……

Francis didn’t sleep the whole night. “Knock, knock!” Somebody knocked the door.
“Who’s that?” Asked Francis.
“It’s me, Benjamin. I asked the maid to dress you up.” Said Benjamin, then he told the maid what to do.
“OK, come in.” Said Francis.
“Yes, miss.” Said the maid.
“When you have finished, come down to take breakfast.” Said Benjamin, then he left.
“I can dress up myself, thanks.” Said Francis.
“No, master said that I should do this for you.” Said the maid.
“I will tell him that this is my order to you.” Said Francis. After that, the maid left.
Francis looked at the clothes. Oh, the clothes was really ugly and old-fraction. Francis really hated it. However, she still had to dress it up.
“You looked very beautiful wearing the clothes!” Said Benjamin when Francis came down to have breakfast.
Francis thought that it was disgusting. She hate the clothes. However, she said, “Oh, really? I think that this is a beautiful clothes!”
“Yeah, it’s really beautiful when you’re wearing it. Oh, take the breakfast now.” Said Benjamin.

After having the breakfast, Benjamin took some chocolates out and said, “Do your world have chocolates?”
“Oh, we don’t really have chocolates, but we have some sweet with the taste of chocolates.” Answered Francis.
“Here’s some chocolates, try them.” Said Benjamin.
“Thanks.” Francis put a chocolate into her mouth. Oh, what a great chocolate! She had never eaten a chocolate! Francis now realized that the sweets in her world aren’t like the original chocolates.
“This is chocolate? I don’t think that the sweets in my world have the chocolates’ taste! There’s a great difference between them.” Said Francis to Benjamin.
“If you want more, here you are.” Said Benjamin.
“Thank you very much. My mother told me that she had eaten chocolates when she was small. She said that they are wonderful. I now feel what my mother felt finally!” Said Francis.
“Do you know how old is your mother now?” Asked Benjamin.
“Um, I think that she is about six years old……Hey, can you help me to find her? I want to see her. She always said that she was poor when she was small. I want to know if she was telling lies. Can you help me?” Asked Francis.
“But it’s hard to find a person without knowing where she lives.” Said Benjamin.
“I heard that my mother once said that she lived in Yuen Long. Try to find her there!” Francis was very excited when she talked about this.
“OK, we’ll try.” Said Benjamin.

They found out that there was only a primary school for the poor families to send their children to in Yuen Long. It was the time after school, students went home from school. Francis saw some little children who were about 6 years old, she asked them,
“Do you know a girl who’s called Carol Yeung, um, she’s primary two.”
“Yeah, oh, she’s there!” A little girl pointed at a girl behind her while she was talking.
“Thank you.” Said Francis to the little girl.
“Is that your mother?” Asked Benjamin.
“I think yes. Let’s ask her.” Then Francis turned to little Carol, “Is your name Carol Yeung?”
Little Carol was too frightened to strangers, she quickly ran back to her mother. Her mother, that’s Francis’ grandmother, knew about Benjamin, and said, “Are you Mr. Benjamin Leung? I always see you in the television. Oh, why do you know my daughter’s name?”
“Oh, that’s a long thing to say. Shall we sit down and talk about it?” Said Francis.
“If you don’t mind, let’s go to my house, but it’s only a little room.” Said little Carol’s mother.
“Of course we don’t mind.” Said Francis and Benjamin.

其他文章共 30 篇

長篇小說:28篇, 詩:2篇

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