

life can grab you any time

life can wake you from your sleep

life can snap you wide awake

life can be your friend

life can find your soul mate then join you both forever

keeping it life amid the mountains of the dishonesty

life is precious

life is beautiful

life make us anyone

life is a challenge with a purposeful goal

life is easy to get, easier to lose

keeping it life aid the mountain of the dishonesty

life by love between two hearts

life by spark catch fire hope

life by faith in friends and family

life by refusing to surrender

life by freedom

life by liberty

life by justice

keeping it life amid the mountains of dishonesty

Life is a lesson for all persons

Life is the reason for life

As we exist season by season

The difficulty of life is awesome

An impression of reality so frightening

Life is a lesson for all persons

Life is the reason for life

As we exist season by season

The difficulty of life is awesome

An impres
sion of reality so frightening


其他文章共 2 篇


最新公開文章 :     TrUsT (10年8月)
    Life (10年8月)

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