"; } ?>


This was an accident Not the kind where sirens sound Never even noticed
We're suddenly crumbling Tell me how you've never felt Delicate or innocent
Do you still have doubts that Us having faith makes any sense
Tell me nothing ever counts Lashing out or breaking down Still somebody loses 'cause There's no way to turn around Staring at your photograph
Everything now in the past Never felt so lonely I Wish you could show me love

Show me love, show me love, show me love, Show me love, show me love
'Til you open the door Show me love, show me love, show me love
Show me love, show me love 'Til I'm up off the floorShow me love, show me love, Show me love, Show me love, show me love 'Til it's inside my pores
Show me love, show me love, show me love, Show me love, show me love
'Til I'm screaming for more Random acts of mindlessness Commonplace occurrences
Chances and surprises Another state of consciousness

Tell me nothing never counts Lashing out or breaking down
Still somebody loses 'cause There's no way to turn around
Tell me how you've never felt Delicate or innocent Do you still have doubts that
Us having faith makes any sense You play games, I play tricks
Girls and girls, but you're the one Like a game of pick-up-sticks
Played by fucking lunatics Show me love, show me love, show me love,
Show me love, show me love 'Til you open the door Show me love, show me love, show me love Show me love, show me love 'Til I'm up off the floor

Show me love, show me love, show me love, Show me love, show me love
'Til it's inside my pores Show me love, show me love, show me love,
Show me love, show me love 'Til I'm screaming for more Show me love, show me love Give me all that I want Show me love, show me love Give me all that I want
Show me love, show me love Give me all that I want Show me love, show me love
'Til I'm screaming for more


其他文章共 86 篇

短篇故事:10篇, 隨筆:4篇, 詞:65篇, 歌曲:7篇

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    二等天使 (06年7月)
    Goodbye (06年7月)
    Kong曲 : 側田,TO:Don (06年7月)
    情永落 TO"U (06年7月)
    十分.愛(合唱版) (06年4月)
    十分.愛..TO:U (06年4月)
    摩登時代~FUNG (06年3月)
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    長信不如短訊 (06年3月)
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    有一種感情不叫愛情 (06年3月)

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