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Have you ever imagined to travel in Bangkok for 3 days with only $2000 HK dollar?
It includes all the tickets and hotel servies which students can afford the price.
The trip is full of fun and knowledge and only $2000 HK dollar can make the deal.

First of all, The trip is economical as you arrange your travel package from the useful tool---priceline.
It is a tool which help the travellers to search and bargain the price for their travel blueprint.
In addition, you can choose the date of tickets and the hotel services as you like.
For example, it only costs you $1200 to get ticktes to BangKok and stay in Riverside-Silom Hotel for 2 nights.
If your budget is $2000 for the trip, you still remain $800 to spend within your 3 days trip.
As 1 Hong Kong dollar equals to 10 Thai. dollars, tha makes a $8000 Thailand dollars to spend which really quite a large amount in there.

Second,the trip is educational as we can visit the important temples in Thailand.
Thailand is famous for its religious culture and these 2 temples are very good for us to explore.

Wat Pho (Temple of the Reclining Buddha) is founded in the 16th century,
It is the oldest and biggest temple with the largest number of pagodas (95 in all) in the city.

Grand Palace & Wat Phra Kaeo (Temple of the Emerald Buddha) is the most beautiful and important Buddhist temple in Thailand.
It is so richly decorated that, once entering the temple,
you will feel as if you are in a real "city of angels".
(All the information can be easily gathered in the "Lonley Planet")
We can enjoy the decorations and architect work of the Temples and Meseum which is totally different from Western style Building.
By comparing the difference of the two, we can have a better understanding of the buildings style of The East and West.

Third, The trip is fun as Thailand have all sort of activties you want to enjoy.
If you love natural scene, you can go to the famous Bangkok beach to enjoy the sun and sea.
The prefect sunset on the beach is really superb for you to view once.
If you are crazy in shopping, Mc shopping mall is a nice place to satisfy your need.
But you must make sure that you don't spend all the money there which nobody can help.
If you want to taste the feeling of being a Thai., you can by use the local transport there.
By day, breeze around the city by Tuk Tuk(a special transport tool in thailand) to visit beautiful temples and palaces.
By night, we explore hot in Bangkok and try various types of food which cost only half the amount in Hong Kong thai. food resturant.
It's all your idea to decide the plan as you are having a free

To conclude, the trip gives you a great time to relax from pressure with a reasonable amount of price. That is really amazing for students to hang out with freinds withour any parents' monitoring.
If you are likely to enjoy a trip in the near future, I am sure that this package is a suitable one for you.
If you can't wait from travelling, just go and arrange your own package by priceline and lonely planet now!

其他文章共 259 篇

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