

In the day I hear your voice 我聽見你的聲音
I have some special feeling 有種特別的感覺
Let me always think 讓我不斷想
I don't want forget u 不敢再忘記你
I remember at the day 我記得有一個人
You are alwyas on my mind 永遠留在我心中
Even so i just can think about you 那怕只能夠這樣的想你

If one day in the future 如果真的有一天
This love will becoming true 愛情理想會實現
I will never change my mind and I will love you forever 我會加倍努力好好對你 永遠不改變

I dont care how far it is 不管路有多么遠
I will let my dream come true 一定會讓它實現
I will tell you something I wll let you know 我會輕輕在你耳邊
let you know 對你說
I let you know 對你說
I love you 我愛你
Loving you 愛著你
As the mouse all loves the rice 就象老鼠愛大米
Even everyday has storm 不管有多少風雨
I will always by your side 我都會依然陪著你
I miss you 我想你
Missing you 想著你
I dont care how hard it is 不管有多么的苦
I just want you be happy 只要能讓你開心
Everything..I do it for you 我什么都愿意 這樣愛你

PS 要mp3問我

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