"; } ?>

> 雞糊--chicken hand
> 平糊--common hand
> 門清--all concealed hand
> 槓上花--added glory to a gong
> 對對糊--all triplets
> 混一色--mixed one suit
> 小三元--junior 3 chiefs
> 海底撈月--catching the moon from the bottom of the sea
> 大三元--grand 3 chiefs
> 小四喜--junior 4 happiness
> 清一色--pure one suit
> 大四喜--grand 4 happiness
> 字一色--all honor tiles
> 十三么--13 terminal tiles
> 天糊--heavenly hand
> 地糊--earthly hand
> 筒子--the circle tiles
> 索子--the bamboo tiles
> 萬子--the character tiles
> 番子--the honor tiles
> 花牌--flower tiles
> 詐糊--falsely declaring a win
> 大/小相公--long or short hand
> 自摸--self-drawn
> 搶槓--robbing a gong
> 上--claiming a tile to match a sequence
> 碰--claiming a tile to match a triplet
> 槓--claiming a tile for a quadruplet
> 胡--claiming a tile to win

其他文章共 18 篇

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