
Title: Oats a healthy food for all ages

I think eating healthy food is good for us.
There are many healthy foods we can choose, such as oats.
Their properties can help prevent heart disease and cancern, maintain our blood glucose levels and assist weight loss.
Oats absorb much water to produce a feeling of a full stomach for a long period.
So, perople who eat oats don't need to have any snacks in between meals.
As is well known, those who tend to have potato crispsand French fries are not doing their health any favours.
They will become fat and suffer from various diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
Therefore, oats are great for all ages.
Thanks for your letter, Ruby. You are right, oats are good for us. but only as part of a balanced diet. A healthy diet is made up of lots of different foods that are good for you.
The best way to ensure that you are getting a balanced diet is to eat a varied diet. Have fish one day, meat the next- and always have plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Moderation is the key. It is ok to have a little chocolate or French fries once in a while, just to make sure that you are not having them every meal.

Kate, Editor

Author: Ruby.

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