
"Crrrr...ump." I heard the volleyball hit thecourt, and so did my five teammates and our opponents - one of the best teams in the league. We had won!
The whole Chinese Foundation Secondary School leaped with joy. We all hugged each other and my heart pounded with joy. It had always been our dream to beat our brilliant opponents, and finally all our hard work had paid ooff.
As I stared at my joyful teammates, painful memories of the price we had paid for our success flashed through my mind. How we got up at 7am for volleyball practice for months, while others were still dreaming.
I thought of the painful physicak exercuses our coach made us do; and most of all, now nerve-racking it was to play in the competition and get as far as the finals.
But they say: "No pain, no gain." It was worth it ! We haven't got our hands o the trophy yet, but now we know we are in with a fighting chance!
I want to say a big " thank you" to my beloved teammates and volleyball coaches for sharing this wonderful experience with me.

Author:Rebecca Milburn

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