

< Chapter Two: The Metaphysics of Political Economy >

Good side of competition :
"Competition is as essential to labour as division.... It is necessary ... for the advent of equality." [I 186, 188]

Bad side of competition:
"The principle is the negation of itself. Its most certain result is to ruin those whom it drags in its train." [I 185]

General reflection:
"The drawbacks which follow in its wake, just as the good it provides... both flow logically from the principle." [I 185-86]

Problem to be solved:
"To seek the principle of accommodation, which must be derived from a law superior to liberty itself." [I 185]

"There can, therefore, be no question here of destroying competition, a thing as impossible to destroy as liberty; we have only to find its equilibrium, I would be ready to say its police." [I 223]

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