
我地所相信既五個感覺 (see,hear,smell,taste,touch) 並不足夠解釋我地所相信既野
我地信糖係甜既, 因為我地食過; 信狗會吠,因為聽過; 信屎係臭,因為聞過; 信雪是白色,因為看過; 信石是硬的,因為摸過。

但你地又有否食過, 聽過, 聞過, 看過 或 摸過老師的腦 ???
那為何我地又相信佢地有腦, 聽佢地講書呢 ??



I believe that there is a sixth sense.
Our common knowledge of senses (see, hear, smell, taste, touch) are not able to describe what our beliefs anymore.
We believe that sugar is sweet since we tasted it;
we believe that dog can bark because we have heard of it;
we believe shit smells nasty since we have somehow, unfortunately, smelled it;
we believe snow is white because we have seen it;
and we believe stone is hard since we have touched it.

However, we have never seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched the brain of our teachers;
then, why do we believe that he/she has one? and we listen to their talking?
Therefore, i believe there is a sixth sense, however, it is abstract.
The sixth sense is neither about ghost nor prediction of future. (that might be the seventh sense then).
It is an analysis with rationality and subjectivity;
nevertheless, the analysis that we believe in might be wrong.
The beginning of sixth sense is caused by the introduction of science into mankind;
but it still require a lot of efforts and explorations if people want to use it effectively and successfully.

I will not try to describe it since i don't know how to either.


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