
The name says everything about Rage Against The Machine. The aggressive musical blend of metal guitar and hip-hop rhythms is an appropriate background to the rap-styled delivery of angry, confrontational, political lyrics, addressing concerns over inner city deprivation, racism, censorship, propaganda, the plight of Native Americans and many other issues as the band strive to offer more than mere entertainment. Formed in Los Angeles, California, USA, in 1991 by Tom Morello (b. 30 May 1964, New York City, New York, USA; guitar, ex-Lock Up) and Zack De La Rocha (b. 12 January 1970, Long Beach, California, USA; vocals, ex-Inside Out), with Tim Commerford (bass) and Brad Wilk (b. 5 September 1968, Portland, Oregon, USA; drums), Rage Against The Machine signed a major record contract with, importantly, creative control on the strength of a self-released tape and some impressive early live shows. Further live work with Pearl Jam, Body Count, Tool and Suicidal Tendencies ensued, with the band encountering trouble with the French government during the Suicidal tour over T-shirts that showed a genuine CIA instructional cartoon on how to make a Molotov cocktail, taken from documents made for the Nicaraguan Contra rebels. The T-shirts were confiscated and destroyed by French Customs.
The band subsequently released a self-titled debut, containing several tracks from their earlier cassette, with a stunning cover photograph of a Buddhist monk burning himself to death in protest at the Vietnam War, and rose rapidly to fame, Henry Rollins describing them as "the most happening band in the US". The album was a hit on both sides of the Atlantic, and Rage Against The Machine enjoyed single success with "Killing In The Name", although de la Rocha was distinctly unhappy with a radio edit that removed all expletives and "completely shut down the whole purpose of that song". A sell-out UK tour in 1993 was followed by a silent protest against the P-M-R-C on the Philadelphia leg of the Lollapalooza festival tour. Evil Empire was another successful album, reaching number 1 in the USA. Tracks such as the highly political "Vietnow" and "Down Rodeo" showed the band at their potent best, while the incendiary "Bulls On Parade" provided them with a transatlantic hit single. Beyond the swearing lay some of the most honest and powerful lyrical statements to be made during the 90s. After another long hiatus, the band returned in November 1999 with The Battle Of Los Angeles. Hardly deviating from the blueprint of their previous two records, the album was warmly received by their supporters but dismissed by detractors who felt the band had nothing new left to say. La Rocha left the following year, making his final appearance with the band on the cover versions set, Renegades. The future of the remaining members is presently uncertain, and although they vowed to continue as Rage Against The Machine, their first project without De La Rocha was a collaboration with ex-Soundgarden singer Chris Cornell in Audioslave.

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