What is your most desired on earth?! Money? Love? Friend? Family? Reputation? Or Happiness?! Happiness will be my answer…

So… What is happiness?!
Happiness can be both physical and intellectual…
Having a nice ice-cream after dinner…
Having a nice meal…
Having your favorite food…
Having a sweet dream…
Meeting some new nice friends…
Knowing who is always willing to lend you their ears whilst you were feeling so gloomy…
Knowing whom to call while you are feeling bored…
Knowing who would always be around you when you need them…
Knowing who would not mind receiving your call whilst they are seeking their sweet dreams….
Being mention by the other’s with a good reputation…
Being mention by the grown-ups with a positive comment…
Being appreciated of what you have done for them…
Chatting on the phone with friends whom you care about…
Receiving a phone call or an email from a old friend whom you have not been speaking to for a long while… (especially on your birthday^^)

Waking up early in the morning with the sun shining so bright…
Reading a love novels and listening to the music…
Being needed and cared by the others’…
Or Seeing a child’s smile…

Between lovers’:
Seeing your lover’s face when you first wake up in the morning…
Being kissed or hugged by the love you love…
Simply holding your lover’s hands and wandering round on the street for nothing but to seeing each other’s faces...
Being protect by the one you loved…
Wandering around in the shopping center, planning to buy something for your lover…
Standing in the bus stop whilst seeking for your lover’s eyes from the crowd..
Spending the night on chatting and cuddling with the one whom you deeply loved…
Seeing the fire of love burning so brightly from your lover’s eyes…
Seeing the appreciating /satisfying smile on your lover’s face…
Being rely on the one you loved…
To be understand by people whom you care so much about…

It can be so easy to be happy..isn’t it not?!
Why are we always everything so complicated?!

We are just human…with a simple-minded! Why worth confusing both ourselves and the others’?! I HATE to be complicated… cause I needed the feeling of being understood! Don’t you not?!

Worth thinking mate^^
Wishing you all my best guys…
Please keep up wiv your sincere smiles plus your warmness eyes……since these are the only thing which can heals the deepest loneliness from the other’s hearts…

Learn to appreciate…
To forget…
And NEVER hate……

It is always easier to like somebody rather than to hate somebody… cause it is always YOURSELF who suffers most within this devastating hatred!^^



From somebody who always cares abt U



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