
“Wow….what’s a beautiful big house,” said a woman.

“A beautiful house? Are you crazy mum? I do not think it was beautiful. Yes, you

are right, it is a big house but I think it is rather spooky instead!” said Cyrus.

“No! It is beautiful! Do not refute me. That’s wonderful, won’t it?”

“But look at it, mum. It seems no people were living in here for a long time.

I don’t want to stay here….mum…..”Said Cyrus.

“Cyrus, don’t argue with mum, see…..her eyes now seems like a water tape with

nearly switch on….Here is fine, not as worse as what you think. In addition, we are just going to

live in here for this summer holiday only. Don’t care about it, just a few weeks!”

said Iris, his sister.

“Alright…”he replied.

“Wahl….wonderful! Hey, Iris is coming! See….There is everything we want.” Judy

Said excitingly. So that the family went back into the house happily, except Cyrus.

After they had finished settling the dome. It was already 10 o’clock.

In Cyrus’s room, he lied on his bed…... He was thinking why he must be here, because his could not sleep. In addition, he was thinking of he wanted to go swim with Jack…

Oh…what he was doing now….After a while…he fell in sleep because he really

very tired today.

“Boom!” suddenly a loud voice seemed like something was falling down onto the


“Be quiet! You will wake him up.” Someone said.

“I am sorry, but I don’t know it will fall down.” Replied by another voice.

Who…..who is there? That is not the voice of mum, also not Iris, even not dad…

So…who is there? Wait! If they are not one of them…..then who are they…?

I could not open my eyes. How do I know who are they. A voice in his

mind said.

No, I should open my eyes…..nothing will hurt you…Ok….now…open your eyes

slowly…Remember…do not be afraid….nothing can hurt you….

I opened my eyes slowly….I could not believe what I see….

There was two things…they look like human but the are transparent

One of them was a girl…I was sure because she got long hair with a ribbon on her head.

The other one maybe was a boy, I was not sure because I could not see how he/she look

like. Hey! Wait! What am I doing? They…..they are TRANSPARENT…that

mean….they are not human beings….the only thing they might be were…..GHOSTS? Oh,

Ha-ha…what a lucky people I was…..mum…..Jesus…..I do not want to die….

When I was praying, they found that I was doing some strange thing.

“Hey….you sees. What was he doing...,”said the girl.

“What? Let me see…..I think he was awaked.” Answer the other one.

“Really? But he seems still sleeping.” The girl said.

Oh, .he found that I was awaked. What could I do…open my eyes and tell them yes I was

woke or what? Ha-ha, what is a great idea?

Ok…..open you eyes Cyrus….

“He’s right. I was waked.” I said.

“Oh….you doesn’t afraid of us?” the girl asked.

“Afraid? Why not?” I answer her.

“But why don’t you run away?” asked the boy I think he was a boy.

“Nope, I didn’t run away is because I can’t….” I explained.

“Ha-ha ….you is so funny,” said the girl.” My name is Gold. How about you?”

“Cyrus. C. Y. R. U. S. How about you?”

“Silver. And I am a boy…”he is correct.

“Ha-ha….okay! How do you know I am guessing you are boy or girl?” I asked.

“By how you are looking at me…”he said…

“Oh…..I see” actually, I want to ask…what are you actually were….

“What we are? Ha-ha….just guest it.” Gold said….

“Do you mean that I am totally wrong?” I said...

“Ha-ha…guest it….” laughed Silver.

“Um…I am sure that I don’t want to guest!” Cyrus replied.


其他文章共 16 篇

短篇故事:9篇, 隨筆:3篇, 詩:1篇, 歌曲:1篇, 其他:2篇

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