
Shorting Writing Task
“Quick!” “Be patient! Do you know how heavy this bag is?” “But the sky is going to be darker and darker.” “I know that…Aw!” Cyrus dropped his heavy bag on his foot. He felt extremely painful and thought that was an unlucky day. “Oh! My God! It really hurts!” “Then let me help you.” Cyrus’s sister Silver replied. Then Cyrus jumped into the house where their family was going to live in. but actually, Cyrus didn’t realize that, this was only the beginning of his bad dream, because he was already chosen by ‘her’ to be the prey of this day…
After they had moved all the things inside the new house. They all felt tired, but they still needed to handle all the things where they moved into the house.
When they had finished all their work, it was already nine-thirty at night. By they were all exhausted, so they decided to go to bed, although it was still early.
“Tic…tak…tic…tak…’ The time passed away minute by minute. However, Cyrus still could not sleep. He thought that there might be something mysterious in this house. He could not control himself of bearing in mind these words, slowly, he felt asleep…
All of a sudden, Cyrus felt a terrible shock. He was very afraid of opening his eyes, until everything seemed ‘calm down’. After he had opened his eyes, all the things inside the room came terribly wrong. It turned from a tidy room to a messy room. All the clothes fell from the drawers, the lamp dropped on the floor; the books were lying on the drawers, the wallpaper torn out, etc. Cyrus felt extremely horrible. He did not even know what had happened.
Meanwhile, a tiny little girl jumped out from the wall and said,” Surprise?” this scared Cyrus again. “Hey! Hey! You see! Is this funny?” she pointed at the things that were destroyed. These things came too sudden, it made Cyrus did not know how to response. “Well. Let me introduce myself first. I am the daughter of the Devil. In addition, my name is Natalie. You can call me Nat if you like. I am telling you now I am trying to finish the entire task that my dear father offers me to do. Today, I get an order. I need to kill someone and bury him before he die. I love this task. It is just…excited, right?” Nat laughed in a sharp voice, just as someone was screaming for help. Cyrus continued to blink his eyes quickly to make sure that he was wide-awake. Nevertheless, he could not escape from this ‘dream’. Natalie continued to say,” After all, I need to take his soul to see my father. Then, my task will be succeed. In addition, you, the loveliest boy I met, are my target this time. You must be honored by being my textile.” Nat shouted happily.
At that moment, Cyrus found that he could not move at all, and he started to flow up. He could not control his body; he also could not say a word. He suffered a lot from that bad feeling.
As Natalie started to walk downstairs, the body of Cyrus followed her, until they got to the yard behind their rented house. Then Cyrus heard of some incantation that was said by Nat. then, some strange things happened, the ground bombed, and there changed into a big hole. Then a power of force made Cyrus dropped into that hole, he cried, “No…please…no…stop this…” but Nat did not notice him, and she continued to say another set of incantation. Within a minute, the hole was filled up again as usual. You even could not find any flaw on the ground. Then Natalie disappeared with a smiling face.
The next morning, after Silver woke up, she rushed to the bedroom of his brother, Cyrus. However, the only thing that she could see was a messy room and no body was sleeping on the bed. She screamed loudly and rushed to the room of her parents. “Cyrus was disappeared!” she said nervously. Then they found for Cyrus in the whole house, including the yard, but of course, they did not know Cyrus was just under their feet.
3 years later, they gave up of finding Cyrus. They felt despair. They would never know that story happened at that night. Never…never…
Now, how was Cyrus? Where is he? Is he still alive or dead? Who knows?


其他文章共 16 篇

短篇故事:9篇, 隨筆:3篇, 詩:1篇, 歌曲:1篇, 其他:2篇

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