
Sheena Easton
(J. Kimball/C. Richardson)

I saw an old friend of ours today,
She asked about you,
I didn't quite know what to say;
Heard you've been makin' the rounds 'round here
While I've been tryin' to make tears disappear.

Now I'm almost over you,
I've almost shook these blues;
So when you come back around
After paintin' the town
You'll see I'm almost over you.

You're such a sly one with your cold, cold heart,
Maybe leavin' came easy but it tore me apart;
Time heals all wounds they say and I should know
'Cause it seems like forever but I'm lettin' you go.

I can forgive you and soon I'll forget
All my shattered dreams;
Although you left me with nothing to show
All of misery.

~ilmare~ : 其實我本身好鍾意聽一D既懷舊英文歌,當中最鍾意既有呢首『Almost over you』
於 03年2月 回應

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