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Do you remember

When we fell in love

We were so young and innocent then

Do you remember

How it all began

It just seemed like heaven so why did it end?

Do you remember

Back in the fall

We'd be together all day long

Do you remember

Us holding hands

In each other's eyes we'd stare

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

When we first met

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

Do you remember

How we used to talk(Ya know)

We'd stay on the phone at night till dawn

Do you remember

All the things we said like

I love you so I'll never let you go

Do you remember

Back in the Spring

Every morning birds would sing

Do you remember

Those special times

They'll just go on and on

In the back of my mind

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

When we first met girl

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

Those sweet memories Will always be dear to me

And girl no matter what was said

I will never forget what we had

Now baby!

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

When we first met

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

When we first met

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

Remember the times(Ooh)

Remember the times

Do you remember girl

Remember the times

On the phone you and me

Remember the times

Till dawn, two or three

What about us girl

Remember the times

Do you, do you, do you, do you, do you

Remember the times

In the park, on the beach

Remember the times

You and me in Spain

Remember the times

What about, what about

Remember the times

Oohin the park

Remember the times

After darkDo you, do you, do you

Remember the times

Do you, do you, do you, do you

Remember the times

Yeah yeah

其他文章共 26 篇

短篇故事:1篇, 隨筆:1篇, 歌曲:2篇, 公開書信:12篇, 私人情信:10篇

最新公開文章 :     M J - Remember The Time (09年6月)
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