
i wanna see ur pussy
everybody said its nice
can i come and visit
i'll be at ur house tonight
they tell me its soft to touch really smooth
i can hardly wait to feel that pussy too
u wanna play with pussy all the time
to hide that kinda pussy is a crime
u say ur pussy is clever and so slick
but i think that ur pussy is kinda sick
i wanna bet ur pussy aint its pretty is mine
i dont hide my pussy like u do all the time
my pussy just the sweetest thing that u ever seem
compare to mine ur pussy is really ugly and mean
i bring my pussy everywhere i go
to watch my lil pussy as a show
u say ur pussy is clever and so slick
but i think that ur pussy is really thick
she turns in to a tiger when shez ready to eat
my pussy is always hungry for a BIG chunk of meat
so lay ur lil pussy right next to mine
u can bring her over around dinner time
my pussy is the hippest thing around....thatz right!
its always been the talk of the town
u say ur pussy is clever and so slick
but i think that ur pussy is mighty thick~
i wanna see ur pussy..show it to me...show me ur pussy show it to me...


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