
Never say I Love You
If you don't really care

Never talk of feelings
If they aren't really there

Never hold my hand
If you mean to break my

Never say forever
If you ever plan to part

Never look into my eyes
If you are telling me a lie

Never say hello
If you think you'll say goodbye

Never say that I'm THE one & nbsp;
If you dream of more than me

Never lock up my heart
If you don't have the key

其他文章共 49 篇

短篇故事:9篇, 長篇小說:6篇, 隨筆:4篇, 詩:1篇, 歌曲:12篇, 其他:17篇

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    但願我昨夜沒有錯過 (03年2月)
    你有心 關心妍 (03年2月)
    講得正確啦!~~~~ (03年1月)
    如果有人這樣愛我(三) (03年1月)
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    初戀總是寶貴的(下) (03年1月)
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