Bill Gates earn US$250 every SECOND, that's about US$20 Million a DAY and US$7.8 Billion a YEAR!
If he drop a thousand dollar, he won't even bother to pick it up coz by the 4 second he pick it, he already earn it back.
US's national debt is about 5.62 trillion, if Bill Gates will pay the debt by himself; he will finish it in less then 10 years.
He can donate US$15 to everyone on earth but still left US$5 Million for his pocket money.
Michael Jordan is the highest paid athlete in US. If he don't drink and eat, and keep his annual income US$30 Million up, he'll have to wait for 277 years to become as rich as Bill Gates now.
If Bill Gates is a country, he is the 37th richest country on earth, or US 13th biggest company, even bigger then IBM.
If exchange all Bill Gate's money to US$1, you can make a road from earth to moon, 14 times back and forth. But you have to make that road non-stop for 1,400 years, and use a total of 713 BOEING 747 plane to transport all the money.
Bill Gates is 40 this year. If we assume that he still can live for 35 years, he has to spend US$6.78 Million per day to finish his money before he dies.
BUT!!! If Microsoft Windows' users can claim US$1 for every time their computers hang because of Microsoft Windows, Bill Gates will bankrupt in 3 years!

※ 比爾蓋茲每秒鐘賺進 250 美元( 以秒計費?),每天賺 2,000多萬美元,每年賺 78 億美元,如果他不小心掉了一張仟元大鈔,他可別浪費時間去撿,因為在他彎下腰的四秒鐘內,他已經把這一千元美金賺回來了。

※ 美國國債共 5.62 兆美元,如果讓比爾蓋茲一個人來還的話,他可以在不到十年的時間內全部還清。

※ 他的財富比美國的黃金總存量多三倍.他可以分給全世界60億人口每人 15美元,自己還有剩下 500 萬美元(零用錢)。

※ 麥可喬登是美國最高薪的運動員,如果他不吃不喝,並把他每年3,000萬美元的收入存起來,那他要再 277 年以後,才可以和現在的比爾蓋茲一樣有錢。

※ 至於我國一般公務員,每月 6 萬薪水,而且也不吃不喝不拿黑錢的話,需要2,600萬年後,才可能與比爾蓋茲媲美。

※ 如果比爾蓋茲是個國家的話,他是全世界第 37個最富有的國家.或是美國第13大公司 ,比IBM 還大。

※ 如果把比爾蓋茲的錢全部換成一元美鈔,可以從地球舖到月球,來回18次,
但是您要不眠不休的舖 1,400 年,而且還得雇 713 架波音747 飛機才能運完這些鈔票。

※ 比爾蓋茲已經四十歲了,按照美國男人的平均壽命來算,他還可以活35年,
他得每天花678 萬美元,才能在告別人世之前把錢花光。


如果全球 windows的用戶每當機一次就可向微軟索賠一元,比爾蓋茲三年內就要破產 ........


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